JACL Statement on Ferguson Decision

The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) is deeply troubled by the grand jury’s failure to indict Officer Darren Wilson for killing Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, in Ferguson, MO this past August. We support those who are working tirelessly to reform a broken system.

Though profoundly disturbing, the results of the grand jury are not entirely surprising, given a process that seemed wholly indifferent to securing an indictment, a legal system that rationalizes police brutality, and a society that continues to devalue black and brown lives. It is impossible to understand Brown’s death outside the context of a society that rests upon deep foundations of anti-black racism; a broken system that works to economically, emotionally, and physically devastate people and communities of color.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is conducting an investigation to determine whether federal civil rights charges can be brought against Darren Wilson. In addition, the DOJ is continuing its investigation surrounding issues such as the training of police officers, racial profiling, and the use of force. JACL supports these initiatives and encourages our members to be involved in the conversations, locally and nationally, to create the systemic changes our country needs.

The struggle for racial equity does not end with Ferguson. JACL will continue to work alongside our partners for institutional change. It is important for everyone to stand together in the pursuit of justice, while respecting the voices and activism of those who are most affected.


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