Become a Millennium Club Member Today!
The Millennium Club is a membership level designed for individuals who wish to significantly contribute to better assure that JACL continues to promote, sponsor, and encourage our programs, projects, and activities. As a Millennium Club member, you notably further the JACL’s mission for civil rights and Japanese American heritage preservation. Membership dues are $1,000 annually.
Millennium Club membership includes:
Subscriptions to the Pacific Citizen - Print Edition and the Pacific Citizen - Digital Edition
Entry to the VIP Reception and Sayonara Banquet at our annual Convention
Listing on the Millennium Club website page (see below)
And more!
Click here to join or upgrade your membership. If you prefer to send in a check, you may mail one to JACL Membership, PO Box 45397, San Francisco, CA 94145-0397, with the memo Millennium Club Upgrade.
"The recent national outbreak of hate crimes and incidents against Asian Americans has served as a sad indicator that there are some people who still regard us as aliens in our own country. I am reminded once more that “freedom is not free” and can only be maintained, like a garden needs to be protected from weeds, by having an organization like JACL which will stand up for the safety and civil rights of Japanese Americans and other marginalized groups."
— Kenneth K. Inouye, Millennium Club Member
"I’ve been grateful to the Berkeley board, which supports the Nikkei Student Union at UC Berkeley and the work of the Wakasa Memorial Committee, and impressed by National, which has supported Tsuru for Solidarity’s actions in Texas and Oklahoma to stop the separation of immigrant families. Last year, I decided to upgrade to Millennium Club because we need to support our most important civil rights organization."
— Nancy Ukai, Millennium Club Member
Ken’s original Millennium Club pin from 2004