Celebrate JACL’s 100 years
by making a gift to the
Centennial Education Fund

A centennial is a celebration of the past and our chance to envision the next 100 years of civil rights in America.
100 years ago…
…a group of young Japanese Americans came together to address anti-Japanese racism that targeted our community. In due time, we became the Japanese American Citizens League.
Today, as anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents are higher than ever, we must reflect on our accomplishments and the leadership needed to achieve our full vision for justice.
In the last 100 years…
…we have built a reputation as trailblazers in the American civil rights movement. We are an essential voice who speaks out against hate to Asian Americans, Muslim Americans, Black Americans, immigrants, LGBTQ people, and all who face injustice.
By investing in JACL’s Centennial Education Fund, you solidify our leadership position as the leading Asian American voice in telling the story of the incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans during World War II and you secure the future such that the lessons from this tragic chapter of U.S. history will always be remembered.
Centennial Education Fund donors help us:
Educate the Public
As the oldest and the largest Asian American civil rights organization, JACL is uniquely positioned to tell the tragic story of the incarceration, the injustice for all those who were affected, the valor of those who served in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, 100th Infantry Battalion and Military Intelligence, and other military units, Services, and most importantly, the lessons to be shared and learned by not only Japanese Americans, but by all Americans.
Enhance Educational Resources
Shore up JACL’s position in fulfilling its mission by providing those critically important educational programs, tools and resources managed or supported by the JACL National Council and National Board, such as teacher’s training workshops, curriculum guide, Power of Words, documentary films, digital content, etc.
Combat Hate Crimes
With over 5,000 anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents committed against innocent Asian Americans around the country during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become even more urgent and imperative that JACL re-doubles its efforts in educating the American people about the painful lessons we learned as a community during World War II.
“I personally want to pass these stories onto future generations so that it would never be forgotten and to move forward the values of our beloved country so the United States could be an even more inclusive and tolerant nation”
In Memory of Norman Y. Mineta, Honorary Chair, Centennial Education Fund

With its first chapter formed in 1921 and the National organization in 1929, the JACL’s ongoing mission is to secure and maintain the civil rights of Japanese Americans and all others who are victimized by injustice and bigotry. The leaders and members of the JACL also work to promote cultural, educational and social values and preserve the heritage and legacy of the Japanese American community.
Online: Please go to www.jacl.salsalabs.org/centennial
By Check: Please send to JACL Headquarters 1765 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 with memo “Centennial Education Fund”
By Phone: (415) 921-JACL (5225)
By Stock Transfer, for Estate/Planned Giving, or to volunteer: Please contact Phillip Ozaki (information below)
Gary Nakamura, VP Planning & Development National Board, gnakamura [at] jacl.org
Steve Okamoto, Legacy Planning Officer, sokamoto [at] jacl.org
Photo Credits:
Congressional Gold Medal with President Barack Obama: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza
USPS Nisei Veterans Stamp Event: Rich Iwasaki via Portland JACL