JACL Condemns Recent Threats Against the Jewish Community

Press Release

Contact: Jeffrey Moy, JACL Vice President for Public Affairs, jmoy@jacl.org
William Yoshino, JACL Interim Executive Director, byoshino@jacl.org

The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) condemns the recent threats to the Jewish community, including threats targeting community centers and the vandalism of cemeteries in St. Louis and Philadelphia. Over 100 Jewish community centers and schools have received bomb threats in 2017, and nearly 300 gravestones were vandalized in attacks on the Chesed Shel Emeth Society in University City, Missouri and the Mount Carmel Cemetery in Northeast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Over the last year, we have seen the rise of xenophobia and racism target nearly every community of color. We have seen the recent shooting of two Indian Americans in Kansas due to the shooter’s belief that they were immigrants, echoing the murder of Vincent Chin in 1982.

Although we appreciate that the President’s remarks last night touched on the need for our country to “stand united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms,” we urge the Administration to translate these words into actions that will lead to the apprehension and conviction of the perpetrators.

As the oldest and largest Asian Pacific American civil rights organization, JACL understands we cannot be bystanders and we must work with our partners to ensure that the United States remains a country that honors diversity and values the rights of all who live here.



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