JACL Admonishes Proposal to Patrol Muslim Neighborhoods

Contact: Priscilla Ouchida, Executive Director, pouchida@jacl.org

The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) condemns the proposal by a prominent presidential candidate where it was stated that law enforcement should “patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.”

The deadly and heinous attacks in Brussels clearly demonstrate the concern to safeguard our country, however, targeting the Muslim community is counterproductive in recognizing that Muslim Americans are an established and contributing segment of our society.

In 1942, Japanese Americans were targeted and surveilled by our government. Prior to and following the forced removal of Japanese Americans from their West Coast homes, the government provided detailed tabulations of where Japanese Americans lived and even breached the confidentiality of census information by supplying actual names and addresses. This is a path we do not want stray down. The unjust treatment of Japanese Americans during World War II remains as a permanent stain on our legacy as a nation that values the rule of law.

JACL cautions that we must not stray from our unique American values in reaction to the fear aroused by Paris, San Bernardino, and now Brussels. It would be a betrayal of our constitutional principles of due process and religious freedom.


JACL Statement on the Tragedy in Orlando


JACL Statement on Liang Decision