Help Us Fund the Japanese American Confinement Site Program

Help Us Fund the Japanese American Confinement Site Program!

The Japanese American Confinement Site Grant program (JACS)is a National Parks Service grant program that distributes funds nationally to preserve the important history of Japanese incarceration during WWII. In just 8 years JACS has provided nearly $21 million to universities, national organizations, and small grassroots projects. These projects protect and share important history and we don’t want the learning to end.

View JACL’s press release here.

View our sign on letter here..

President Trump’s FY2019 budget proposal cuts funding for this program.

Let’s make sure this history is taught, not repeated.

 What Can You Do?

  1. Contact your Representatives of Senator

Visit to find your Representative and how to contact them. Send them a postcard, give them a call, let them know what you think!

Don’t know what to say? Try this:

“Hi I am a constituent of (Rep. or Sen.’s name) and live in (zip code). I was disappointed to see the Japanese American Confinement Site Grant cut from President Trump’s budget proposal. JACS Grants are important because they preserve the history of Japanese American incarceration during World War II. I am asking (Rep’s name) to request funding for the JACS program at $2.84 million in the fiscal year 2019 appropriations.”


  1. Write an op-ed, tell a friend!

Share your story or your family’s story about why these programs are important for you.


  1. Want to do more? Call the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus at 202-225-5464.

For more information go to and subscribe to our digest for updates.

JACS Fact Sheet

Download JACS Postcards.

Download this page as a pdf.

Download fact cards.


JACL Mourns Passing Of John Yasumoto: A Visionary Leader in JA Community


FY2019 Budget Proposal Eliminates Funding for Japanese American History Preservation