Asian Pacific American Media Coalition Issues Diversity Report Cards to TV Networks

Washington, DC — On this first day of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, the Asian Pacific American Media Coalition announced its Report Cards for the 2017-18 season, grading the four major TV networks on their progress toward full inclusion in scripted and unscripted programming, writers/producers, directors, development, their commitment to the diversity initiatives they have adopted, and the new category of Diversity Department Relationship with the Coalition.

ABC scored the top overall grade of B for the second year in a row, while Fox received an F/Incomplete for failing to comply with its obligations to provide data or meet with the Coalition. CBS matched last season’s overall grade of B-, while NBC dropped from C+ to C. NBC’s writers/producers grade improved slightly and Development remained the same, but the network fell in every other category for 2017-18, and rated lowest in its Diversity Department’s relationship with the Coalition.

APAMC Chair Daniel M. Mayeda notes, “Asian Americans have been increasingly represented in network television over the past few years, but there remain many opportunities to be seized. One need only observe the success of API-led shows on other platforms (e.g., “Crazy Rich
Asians,” “Killing Eve,” “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before”) to realize that the public, Asian and non-Asian alike, is eager to consume new stories and enjoy new talent featuring Asian Americans. We look forward to continuing to work with the networks to elevate the presence of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, both in front of and behind the cameras.”

“I must note, however, that the Coalition is very disappointed that Fox once again has violated its commitment to provide data on its diversity efforts and results,” Mayeda said. “We call on the new leadership of the Fox broadcasting network to quickly come into compliance with its MOU so that the Coalition can work with them to increase API presence in Fox’s programming.”

Contact: Daniel M. Mayeda,, 310.413.3504

Find the full report here.


The Asian Pacific American Media Coalition (APAMC) has been advocating for greater diversity and inclusion of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (APIs) in network television since 1999. It has agreements (Memoranda of Understanding, or MOUs) with ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC committing them to work to increase diversity on-screen and behind the camera. APAMC members include Asian Americans Advancing Justice—AAJC, East West Players, Japanese American Citizens League, Media Action Network for Asian Americans, National Federation of Filipino American Associations, OCA—Asian Pacific American Advocates, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and Visual Communications.


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