Action Alert: Call Your Senator to Protect Our Care

Action Alert: Call Your Senator to Protect Our Care

Contact: Stephanie Nitahara, JACL Interim Executive Director,
Jeffrey Moy, JACL Vice President for Public Affairs,

Dear JACL Members,

Urge your Senator TODAY to vote NO on the Senate Bill to repeal the ACA. For more information, please visit APIAHF’s website.

Sample script:

Hello, my name is ________ at _______ (Phone #) calling from _____ (Zip Code).

I urge you to vote NO on the Senate bill to repeal the ACA. Like the House Bill, it cuts support for expanded eligibility for Medicaid and it undermines taxes that would sustain the ACA. 

Health care coverage of 20 million Americans, including Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders, will be in jeopardy, and the Senate Bill will not address the plight of 27 million who are without any health insurance at all. And perhaps most cruelly, the Senate Bill will all but abandon attempts to reverse the opioid epidemic that has tragically torn apart so many families.

I urge Senator _____ to assert a moderate, reasoned, and humanitarian voice in Congress and maintain our right to affordable health care. Please do not vote to take away what millions of Americans depend on.

Thank you for your time.


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