Resolutions are action pieces that the JACL National Council Votes on at every National Convention. These items are similar to Congressional bills in that it shapes the direction in which JACL conducts itself for the next biennium or for decades beyond. This list of resolutions date back to 1942 at the start of World War II and show some of the history of how JACL has changed over the years.
Note: There are over 500 resolutions, as a result, only notable resolutions will be listed below. However, all resolutions can be viewed by going through the links for each year.
1. Resolution on the continuance of agriculture production
2. Resolution on appreciation of the JACL to its American friends
3. Resolution on unity to Japanese in America
4. Resolution on the evacuation of Nisei as a measure based on military necessity and not as a reflection of their loyalty
5. Resolution to the President of the United States
1. Resolution of appreciation
2. Resolution of appreciation to the National Board and Others
3. Resolution of appreciation to our Issei Supporters
4. Resolution to Commend our friends
5. Resolution of appreciation to the Washington, D.C. Chapter
6. Resolution to establish a supplemental legal fund
7. Resolution in regards to racial discrimination8. Resolution in regards to JACL reporter
1. Resolution in appreciation to Chicago Chapters and MDC
2. Resolution in appreciation to the national board and the PC
3. Resolution in appreciation to Issei
4. Resolution in appreciation to Hawaiian and Canadian members
5. Resolution in appreciation to Members of congress
6. Aid to Issei
7. Resolution to push for statehood of Hawaii
8. Resolution to support FEPC
9. Resolution to the national board, Washinton office, and national office the ability to act on the various recommendations and commitments made by the national council during its various sessions
1. Commendation and Expression to Senator McCarran and Rep. Walter for their authorship and leadership in the passage of the McCarran-Walter Act
2. Our appreciation and gratitude be conveyed to the senators and representatives that supported the McCarran-Walter Act
3. Our appreciation to Mike Masaoka
4. Our appreciation to the Arizona chapter for work on McCarran- Walter Act
5. Commend the people of Hawaii for their financial drives in the work of the JACL
6. Commend the Issei of America for their part in JACL's financial drives and their support of the JACL program
7. Thank you to the national staff and convention hosts
1. Thank you to committee members and chairmen
2. Thank You to Mack Hamaguchi
3. Thank You to Hiroshi Miyamura
4. Thank you to Mayor Norris Poulson
5. Thank you to Queen Janet Fukuda, Janet Okimoto, and Mary Enomoto
6. Thank you to Chairman Ken Dyo and PSW
7. Thank you to the press and other media
8. (1.) Thank you to Representative Edgar A. Jones and House Judiciary Subcommittee
9. (2.) Thank you to DC, PSW, and SF Staff
10. (3.) Thank you to JACL Staff
11. (4.) Thank you to Mika Masaoka
12. (5.) Thank you to the National Board
13. (6.) Thank you to Harold R. Gordon
14. (7.) Thank you to Harry Honda
15. (1.) Thank you to the General Public
16. (2.) Thank you to the Contributors and Supporters of the National Endowment Fund
17. (3.) Thank you to the Issei
18. (4.) Thank you to delegates and members
19. (5.) Reaffirmation of loyalty to the United States
1. Thank you to the SF Chapter
1. Thank you to Rupert Hachiya, Convention Chairman
2. Thank you to Ichiro Doi, President of the SLC Chapter
3. Thank you to Gov. D. Clyde of Utah
4. Thank you to Congressman Dalip Singh Saund
5. Thank you to Queen Margaret Itami
6. Thank you to George Inagaki
7. Thank you to the press and other media
8. (1.) The JACL hail the establishment of the US Commission on Civil Rights
9. (2.) Thanks to the National Board and Dr. Roy Nishikawa
10. (3.) Thank you to the National Staff and Masao Satow
11. (4.) Thank you to the chairman of the National Committees
12. (5.) Thanks to the Arlington National Cemetery Committee
13. (6.) Thanks to Mike Masaoka
14. (7.) Thanks to the Officials of the DOJ
15. Thanks to all the youth who attended convention
1. Thank you to Convention Chairman William Matsumoto
2. Thank you to Tak Tsujita, as President of the Sacramento JACL
3. Thank you to honored guests of the Convention
4. Thank you to Ambassador Dr. Koto Matsudaira of Japan
5. Thank you to Congressman Daniel K. Inouye
6. Thank you to President Eisenhower and VP Nixon
7. Thank you to Queen Linda Yatabe
8. Thanks to the Boy Scouts of America
9. Thanks to the City of Sacramento
10. Thanks to the Hotel El Dorado
11. Thanks to News and Media
12, (1.) Congratulate Alaska and Hawaii Statehood
13. (1.) Thanks to Chairman Dr. Roy Nishikawa
14. (2.) Thanks to Ms. Sue Joe
15. (3.) Thanks to George Sugai
16. (4.) Thanks to Puyallup Valley and Seattle JACL
17. (5.) Thanks to the National Board and Officers
18. (6.) Thanks to the chairmen of the national committees
19. (7.) Thanks to Masao Satow and staff
20. (1.) Special Commendation to Mike Masaoka
21. (1.) Reaffirm our loyalty to the US
1. Thank you to Convention Chairman James Matsuoka
2. Thank you to William Mimbu, President of the Seattle Chapter
3. Thanks to President John F. Kennedy
4. Thanks to Governor Albert D. Rosellini
5. Thanks to Mayor of Seattle Gordon D. Clinton
6. Thanks to Dillon S. Myer and Issei Pioneers
7. Thanks to Convention Queen Ellen Kimura
8. Thanks to Deputy Under Secretary of State U. Alexis Johnson
9. Thanks to the Staff of the Olympic Hotel
10. (1.) Thanks to Chairman George Miyake
11. (2.) Thanks to JACL Washington State Chapters
12. (3.) Thanks to the JACL Chapters in Idaho and the IDC
13. (4.) Thanks to the National Board
14. (5.) Thanks to the Chairmen of the National Committees
15. (6.) Thanks to Masao Satow and the Staff
16. (7.) Thanks to Mike Masaoka
17. (1.) Special Commendation to the Japanese HIstory Project
18. (2.) Special Commendation to the JACL Youth Program
19. (3.) Special Resolution to the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency
20. (4.) Special Resolution to President Kennedy for Fair Housing
21. (5.) Resolution to Support and Follow Through on Convention Decisions
22. (6.) Reaffirm our loyalty to the US
1. Thank you to National Convention Chairman Frank Watanabe
2. Thank you to James N. Shimoura, Chairman of the Detroit Chapter
3. Thanks to President Lyndon B. Johnson
4. Thanks to the First Lady of the State of Michigan and City of Detroit
5. Thanks to Dr. Clarence Pickett, Roger Baldwin, Reverend John Thomas, Norma Thomas, Harry Kingman, and Ben Kuroki
6. Thanks to Roy Wilkins
7. Thanks to Convention Queen Marilyn Nagano
8. Thanks to the Staff of the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel
9. (1.) Commendation to Edward Yamamoto
10. (2.) Commendation to the Junior JACL
11. (3.) Commendation to chapters who participated in National Oratorical and Essay Contest
12. (4.) Commendation to the Chapters with Youth Groups
13. (5.) Commendation to the National Board
14. (6.) Commendation to Masao Satow and National Staff
15. (7.) Commendation to Chairman and National Committees
16. (8.) Commendation to Mike Masaoka
17. (9.) Commendation to Hito Okada and JACL Credit Union Boards
18. (10.) Commendatino to William Marutani
19. (11.) Commendation to Ira Shimasaki
20. (12.) Commendation to Roy Nishikawa
21. (13.) Commendation to K. Patrick Okura and Other JACL'ers
22. (A.) Committee on the Japanese American Research Project and Resolution to UCLA
23. (B.) National Resolution Against Proposition 14
24. (A.) Special Resolution on National Committee and Delegate Meetings
25. (B1.) Special Resolution on Agricultural Interests
26. (B2.) Special Resolution on Agricultural Interests Cont.
27. (C.) Special Resolution on Resolutions Committee
28. Emergency Resolution thanking representatives of the JCCA for attending
1. Thanks to National Convention Co-Chairs
2. Thanks to Abe Mukai, President of the San Diego Chapter
3. Thanks to San Diego Jr. JACL and PSW Youth Council
4. Thanks to President Lyndon B. Johnson
5. Thanks to Mayor Frank Curran
6. Thanks to Thomas Lynch, AB Don Allen, Rober Kaplin, George Saiki, and James Purcell
7. Thank you to the Commandant of the 11th Naval District of San Diego
8. Thank you to the Honorable Stanly S. Mosk
9. Thank you to Convention Queen Kay Ochi
10. (1.) Commendation to the contestants of the National Oratorical, Essay, and Queen contests
11. (A) Special Resolution of Recognition to the National JACL Youth Program
12. (B) Special Resolution of Recognition to Saburo Kido
13. (A) Committee on the Japanese American Research Project14. (B) Civil Rights Resolution
1. Thank you to Dr. Thomas Taketa as Nation Convention Chairman
2. Thanks to Karl Kinaga, President of the San Jose Chapter
3. Thanks to Winston Ashizawa as President of the San Jose Jr. JACL
4. Thanks to President Lyndon B. Johnson, and Governor Ronald Reagan
5. Thanks to Ronald R. James, Mayor of San Jose
6. Thanks to Whitney M. Young Jr., ED of the National Urban League
7. Thanks to Convention Queen Corlyn Uchiyama
8. Thanks to the Association of Metropolitan San Jose
9. Thanks to Dobert D. Clark the President of San Jose College
10. Thanks to San Jose Buddhist Betsuin Choir
11. Thanks to the Civic Auditorium
12. Thanks to the Venice-Culver JACL
13. Thanks to Jame Kashara
14. Commendation to all contestants of the Oratorical, Essay, and Queen contest
15. Special Resolution of Recognition to George J. Inagaki
16. Statement of Principles
0. A Requital Supplication (Redress Resolution)
1. Thank you to Chairman Ross M. Harano
2. Thank you to Ross M. Harano as Chairman of the Chicago Chapter.
3. Thank you to Ross M. Harano for his leadership during challenges
4) Thanks to James A. Isono as president of the Chicago Jr. JACL
5. Thanks to government officials
6. Thanks to Edward J. Ennis chairman of the ACLU and others
7. Thanks to Katsuma Mukaeda and Takito Yamaguma
8. Thanks to Jerry J. Enomoto as JACL President
9. Thanks to Joyce Enomoto as the first lady
10. Thanks to the JACL Chapters and members
11. Resolution of Commendation to contestants
12. Resolution to Past Leaders of the JACL
13. Resolution of Recognition to Mike Masaoka
14. Resolution of Appreciation to the Youth
15. Resolutions in Memoriam
1. Objectionable Movies
2. Elks Club Issue
3. Pan Asianism
4. Support HR 208 to Create a Department of Peace
5. Funding for National Jr. JACL Programs
6. Criminal Justice
7. Feasibility Study on Proposal to Establish National JACL Senior Citizens Complex
8. Senior Citizens
9. Participation in the 1972 Presidential Election
10. JACL Legal Unit for the Asian Community
11. Commendation to the California Historical Society for Months of Waiting
12. (1.) Thanks to Chairman Harry Takagi
13. (2.) Thanks to Claire Minami, chairman of the Washington, D.C. Chapter
14. (3.) Thanks to Raymond S. Uno, JACL National President
15. (4.) Thanks to Yoshiko Uno, the first lady
16. (5.) Thanks to the JACL Chapters and members for participating in the convention
17. (6.) Thanks to Alan K. Okazaki and the National Youth Council
18. (7.) Thanks to government officials for sending greetings
19. (8.) Thanks to the White House for their greetings
20. (9.) Thanks to Congress for joining the Congressional Dinner
21. (10.) Thanks to Nobuhiko Ushiba, the Japanese Ambassador
22. (11.) Thanks to the Military District of Washington
23. (12.) Thanks to the Freer Gallery of Art
24. (13.) Thanks to the Corcoran Gallery of Art and the National Archive of California Historical Society
25. (14.) Thanks to the Philadelphia JACL
26. (15.) Thanks to the Portland and Washington, D.C. JACL
27. (16.) Thanks to the State Department
28. (17.) Thanks to Masao Satow and Mike Masaoka
29. Resolution of Recognition to Masao W. Satow
1. Limitation on Campaign Spending
2. Elimination of Discriminatory Policies within JACL
3. Funding for Chairpersons to Necessary Meetings
4. JAY Constitution and By-laws added as Addendum to the JACL National Constitution and By-laws
5. Interracial marriages and children of mixed marriages
6. Change of Fiscal Year
7. Support of Action of Henry Tanaka
8. Affirmative Action Programs
9. Opposition to the Broadcast License Renewal Act
10. San Francisco Nihonmachi Redevelopment
11. Anti-whaling Campaign
12. Iva Toguri (Tokyo Rose)
13. JACL Logo
14. Location of JACL Ethnic Heritage Study Program
15. Resolution of commendation
16. Additional Resolution
1a. Atomic Bomb Survivors
1b. JACL Disaster Relief Fund
1c. Recognition of Iwao Kawakami
2. Committee on Internment Credit
3. Executive Order 9066
4. Communications between HQ and Chapters
5. Uniform Chapter Dues
6. Opposition to Dues Increase
7. Reparations Committee Budget
11. National Endowment Fund
12. California Agricultural Labor Relations Board
16. Senate Bill One
17. Wendy Yoshimura Fair Trial
18. Foreign Educated Physicians
19. JACL National Headquarters Dedicated to Masao Satow
20. Commendation of Hiram F. Fong
22. Recognition of Youth Director
25. Omission of Relocation in Bicentennial Publication
27. Revised Resolution on Iva Toguri
28. Nisei Veterans Reunion
29. Resolution of Appreciation to the Sacramento Chapter
a. In Tribute to the Late Saburo Kido
b. in Tribute to the Late George Inagaki
1. In Tribute to the Late Edison Uno
2. In Memory of the Late Chizuko Satow
2a. In Tribute to the Late Henry Takahashi
3. To establish an intern scholarship in memory of Dr. Thomas Yatabe
4. To Boycott states that have not ratified the Equal Rights Amendment
5. To Implement Affirmative Action Program within JACL
6. In Support of a More Accurate 1980 Census
7. To Establish and Implement a National Aging and Retirement JACL Planning Program
8. To Assemble a JACL Constitutional Convention
9. To Implement the Japan-U.S. Friendship Act Beyond the Academic Area
10. Against Use of "JAP"
11. Against California Assembly Bill 3627
1. Myth of Phraseology "Disadvantaged Minority"
2. In Support of Masaru Yamasaki
3. International Covenants on Human Rights
4. Operation 80s
5. Nominations Procedures
6. Equal Rights Amendment
7. The Rev. George Nishimoto
8. Highest Priority: Redress
9. Japanese Americans Refusing Military Induction
10. Marriage Counseling Service
11. Atomic Bomb Survivors Committee
12. Employment Discrimination Committee
13. Offices of Speaker/Vice Speaker
14. Nisei Retirement and Aging Committee
15. Ways and Means Committee
16. Veterans Affairs Committee
17. Planning Commission
18. Karl K. Nobuyuki
20. San Francisco Hotel Workers
21. Heritage Week Posters
22. Dues Structure: Family Membership
23. 100 Club Chairman
24. White House Conference on Aging
25. Special Members
26. International Relations Committee
27. Special Resolution
2. Disadvantaged Minority - a Myth
3. Guidelines for Reimbursements
4. An Annual Meeting of Redress Committee
5. Employment Practices Committee
6. For Nuclear Freeze
8. Cultural Aspects of Nikkei
9. New Immigration from Japan
10. Convention Minutes
11. Policy Setting Body
16. Alternative Sources of Fund
17. Chapter Rebate Schedule Expanded
18. In Appreciation
19. In appreciation
20. In Appreciation
21. In Memory of Victims of Nuclear Weapons
22. Permanent Asian Pacific American Heritage Week
23. Racial Balance in the Houston Schools
24. JACL Quarterly Publication
25. Nikkei Singles Group
26. Loan from Endowment Fund
27. Proposed "Coram Nobis" Efforts
28. Fair Hearing for Dr. Noguchi
29. Nuclear Weapons Agreement
30. Atomic Bomb Survivors Committee
32. Hibakusha/Nuclear Arms Freeze
33. Mitsue Takahashi Hearing
34. International Relations Committee
2. Korean Minority in Japan
3. Political Action Committee
5. Formation of National Committee for Singles Concerns
6. Appointments, Civil Rights Commission
7. Continuing Support of the U.S. Hibakusha
9. U.S. Japan Relations
10. Nuclear Arms Control
12. JACLer of the Biennium - expenses and search committee
13. Control of Smoking in Convention Sessions
14. Aging and Retirement
15. Recruitment and Leadership Development Committee
16. Mike M. Masaoka Fellowship Trust Foundation
17. Opposing the Simpson-Mazzoli Bills
18. California Prop. 39
19. Position Re: "Year of the Bible"
20. Ethnic Concerns
21. The 1000 Club Life Member
22. Redress Information
23. Equal Rights Amendment
24. Appreciation to Legislators
25. Appreciation to Hawaii Chapter
26. Restitution for Native Hawaiians
1. Promotion of World Peace
4. Support of the Civil Rights Restoration
5. Reaffirm Support of Native Hawaiians
6. Develop a plan for US-Japan Relations
7. Redress Library
8. Women's Concerns Committee
10. Oppose English as Official Language
12. Big Mountain People
13. Reaffirm Redress
14. Commission on Civil Rights
15. Hibakusha Medical Assistance
16. Arms Control and Nuclear Disarmament
17. Endowment Fund Line of Credit
18. Support of National Japanese American Museum
26. Reinstate Washington, D.C. Representative
29. Extend 1000 club life membership
30. Support Sanctions in Protest of South African Policies
31. Recognition of Coram Nobis legal team
32. Courtesy Resolution
1. Involvement in US-Japan Relations
5. Establishing Education Committee
8. Establishing US-Japan Educational Committee
11. Childcare Services Legislation
17. Racial Minorities in Japan
ER 5. Joseph Heco Society Contribution
ER 6. HR-442 Appreciation to the President
ER 7. HR-442 Appreciation to the US Senate
ER 8. HR-442 Appreciation to the House of Reps
ER 9. Appreciation to the Anti-Defamation League
ER 10. Appreciation to the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
ER 11. Supreme Court Review of WWII Evacuation Test Cases
ER. 12 Civil Rights in Japan
2. 1000 Club Life Trust Dues
4. Support for the Go For Broke National Veterans Association (GFB NVA)
10. National Standing Committee on Civil Rights
13. Recognition of Draft Resistors
16. Additional Scholarship Funds
17. Civil Liberties Public Education Fund Recommendation Committee
18. Model Curriculum for Dispute Resolution
19. Native American Treaty Rights
ER 3. Support for Dr. Mark Tanouye
ER 4. Second Language Achievement Test
ER 6. Asian Pacific American University Admissions Policies
ER 9. Condemnation of the "Beijing Massacre"
CR 1. Commending Robert Braff and Staff
CR 3. Commending the San Diego Chapter
CR 4. Expressing Sympathy and Condolences to the Family of George Nakashima
4. Reduced Membership Dues for Senior Citizens
7. Quarterly Progress Reports viz Program for Action
9. Local Preferences, Local Content, Japan Bashing, etc.
10. US-Japan Education Committee Name Change
11. Los Angeles Riots
13. Sexual Harassment
14. Family Leave Bill
15. Family Choice
16. Native Americans
17. Hawaii's Indigenous People
18. Waste Reduction and Recycling
22. Recognition of the Office of Redress Administration
ER 1. US Supreme Court Nominations
ER 2. 1000 Club Life Fund Trust
ER 3. JACL Legacy Fund
CR 1. Commending the Mile Hi Chapter
3. Pacific Citizen (Page for organizations/chapter news)
4. Pacific Citizen (Column for National Staff)
7. Conducting a Personel Classification Study for All JACL Staff Positions
9. Hanford Hibakushas
10. Establishment of National Historical Sites at all Geographical Locations of the Former WRA Camps in the US
11. National Health Care Reform
12. Access to Public School Education and Health Care
13. Compassion in Dying V. Washington State
14. Support of the Jessica McClintock Garment Workers
15. Recognition of Ranald Macdonald as the First American to make significant contributions toward US-Japan Relations
16. Racist Rhetoric Directed towards Immigrants
18. Involvement in US-Pan American Relations
ER 2. Latin American Redress
ER 3. Domestic Partnerships
ER 4. National Identification Card System
ER 5. Hate Crimes in Japan
CR 1. Commending the Mount Olympus JACL Chapter
1. Review of Awards and Decorations Presented to Asian American and Native American Pacific Islanders during WWII
2. Commemorating the Arrival of the Miike Maru
3. Equitable Distribution of Staffing and Allocations
4. Feasibility Study to Relocate the PC to JACL HQ
5. Support of the National Japanese American Memorial Foundation Project in Washington D.C.
9. Support of the Japanese American Korean War Veterans Memorial
11. Civil Liberties Public Education Fund
12. Citizen Voter "C"/participatory citizenship
13. Sexual Harassment
14. Promote the Well-Being of Children
15. Duties of the National Nominations Committee
16. Mitsubishi Sexual Harassment Suit
17. National Bone Marrow Program
22. Affirmative Action
ER 1. Support for the "Go For Broke" Monument
ER 3. Redress Efforts of the Japanese Latin Americans
CR 1. Commending the San Jose JACL
1. Recognition of Chiune Sugihara
2. Declaration of Support for the United Nations
3. Relating to Bill Lann Lee
4. Preservation of Affirmative Action in Washington State
5. Relating to Affirmative Action
6. Opposition to the Religious Freedom Amendment, HJ78
ER 1. Rebates to Chapters for Each New National Membership
ER 4. Equitable Chapter Treatment and Members Rights, Privileges, and Benefits
ER 5. Greater Tolerance and Safety for LGBT Youth
ER 8. Promotion and Broad Exercise of Civil Rights Activism
ER 11. Projected Revenues in the proposed 1999-2000 budget, protecting the organization's assets and preserving its tax exempt status
ER 12. Boycott all Wolfgang Puck Restaurants, Products, and Specifically Obachine
1. Federal Recognition of Native Hawaiians
2. Filipino Veterans Benefits
3. Nisei Resisters of Conscience4. Religious Freedom for Minorities
5. Bill Lann Lee Nomination6. 35th Biennial Resolutions
7. Jim Miyazaki Posthumous Recognition
ER 1. Continue Efforts to Enhance Federal Enforcement of Hate Crimes
ER 3. Support for Former Congressman Mineta's Confirmation for US Secretary of Commerce
ER 5. Condemn the Racial Profiling & Discrimination Against Dr. Wen Ho Lee and Urge that Dr. Lee be given due process and equal protection before the law
ER 6. Oppose the Placement of a Baseball Stadium in and adjacent to Philadelphia Chinatown and endorse the Stadium out of Chinatown Coalition
ER 7. Support the National Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism and endorse the approved quotations
ER 8. Commend the actions of the Nisei Veterans who served their country during World War II and who have received the Congressional Medal of Honor
1. Relating to the Boy Scouts of America
2. Relating to Religious Freedoms for Minorities
3. Relating to the Designation of the Former Eagledale Ferry Landing on Bainbridge Island, Washington as a National Memorial
ER 2. Relating to the 50th Anniversary of the JACL Junior Olympics
ER 3. Relating to Support for Efforts to Eliminate Team Mascot Names Deemed Offensive to Minorities
ER 4. Relating to the Education of the Membership of Racial Privacy Initiatives
ER 5. Relating to the Little Tokyo Recreation Center on the Historic First St. North Block
ER 6. Relating to Solidarity Against Hate Crimes
1. Relating to the renaming of Jap Road and Jap Lan in Texas
2. Relating to the teaching of Japanese American history in schools
5. Relating to the redress efforts of Japanese Americans and Japanese Latin Americans
ER 1. Relating to the Census Bureau providing tabulated data on the Arab American population to DHS
1. Relating to JACL Salaried Personnel Cost of Living Adjustment
2. Relating to the 11th National JACL Singles Convention
3. Relating to Supporting Immigrant Rights and Responsible Immigration Reform
4. Relating to the Life and Work of Congressman Robert Takeo Matsui
5. Relating to a JACL Policy on the Use of Racial Epithets
6. Relating to Encouraging Study Tours to Japan
7. Relating to Strategic Planning and Organizational Development
ER 2. Relating to the Reauthorization to extend provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965
ER 3. Relating to addressing the health disparities and access to health care programs and services among AAPIs
CR 1. Thanks to the Arizona Chapter
1. Human Rights Protection for Detainees
2. 20th Anniversary of Redress3. Wakamatsu Colony
4. Human Rights in North Korea
6. 12th National Singles Convention in 2009
ER 2. Relating to the Commission on the Japanese Latin American Internment
2. Power of Words
3. Opposition to AZ State Law SB 1070
5. Topaz Museum
ER 1. Opposition to Arizona State Law HB 2281
CR 1. Thanks to the Chicago Chapter
1. Relating to Honouliuli
ER 1. Resolution to Accurately Implement the Power of Words Resolution Passed in 2010
1. Resolution in Support of Justice for Wards Cove Cannery Workers
ER 1. Relating to Micronesians Living in Hawai'i
ER 2. Relating to Micronesians Living in the United States
ER 4. Tanofran Memorial
1. Resolution on comprehensive immigration reform, including a pathway to legal residency and citizenship, and urging immediate support from the 113th Congress2. Non-US Resident Membership Dues
ER 1. Honoring the life of 17-year old Trayvon Martin and supporting the DOJ investigation of possible federal charges against George Zimmerman
ER 2. Appeal to Joint Base Lewis-McCord, WA and DOD to support military service members suffering from Hepatitis B
ER 3. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
1. Opposing Reliance on Mass Incarceration and Private-For-Profit Prisons
2. Condemning de facto and de jure Religious and Racial Prejudice in Asylum Policies of the United States of America
3. Relating to the Marginalization of Native American Peoples Regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline on Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Land
4. In Support of Maintaining JACL’s Presence as a National Organization
5. Relating to the Wakamatsu Tea and Silk Colony, the First Japanese American Colony in North America
6. Relating to Sustaining the Teacher Training Workshop Program
ER 1. Relating to the Amache Preservation Society’s Application to the U.S. Department of the Interior to Designate the Amache Incarceration Camp as a National Historic Site
ER 2. Relating to the Preservation of the Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Company (SFLCo) site, where Japanese Workers Harvested and Milled Timber and Helped Build Forest Rail Lines from 1917 until 1942.