JACL Districts and Chapters

 The Japanese American Citizens League is composed of over 100 chapters across the Nation, divided into seven district councils. For information about how JACL members are distributed across the nation, please see the graphic on the right.

Don’t see a chapter near you? Join anyways!

In addition to chapter meetings, joining JACL has a lot of benefits. You’ll get signed up for our newsletter, be eligible for our convention, and most importantly, your membership dues will be supporting our work.

Guide for map: Click the arrow next to the JACL logo to open the guide showing the different districts and the chapters in each district. Please also note that pins are NOT exact locations, but in the relative area a chapter is located. Some chapters have PO boxes and addresses listed but not all do.

 Central California District Council

Kern, Tulare, Kings, Fresno, Madera Counties, and including the Livingston-Merced Chapter of Merced County

  • Clovis

  • Fowler

  • Fresno
    P.O. Box 27485, Fresno, CA, 93729-7485

  • Livingston-Merced
    1812 Canal Street, Suite 120, Merced, CA 95340

  • Parlier

  • Reedley

  • Sanger

  • Selma

  • Tulare County

 Eastern District Council

Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Rhode Island, Virginia, West Virginia, the District of Columbia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida

 Intermountain District Council

Utah, Montana, Idaho proper, Southeast Oregon, adjoining Eastern portion of Nevada and Wyoming, Colorado

Midwest District Council

Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, Minnesota, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, Nebraska, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Alabama 

 Northern California-Western Nevada-Pacific District Council

Merced County (excluding the Livingston-Merced Chapter), Monterey County, and all other counties in California north of the aforementioned counties, Hawaii, Japan and Northwestern portion of Nevada

 Pacific Northwest District Council

Washington, Oregon, the Idaho Panhandle, and Alaska

Pacific Southwest District Council

All counties in California south of Kern and Monterey Counties, Arizona, New Mexico, and the Southwestern portion of Nevada