JACL Back to School Weekly Feature! Week 4!
For the next 6 weeks, on Thursday or Friday, we’ll send you a short email that highlights one part of our education program. The Weekly Feature runs in conjunction with our Centennial Education Fund campaign that celebrates 100 years of JACL’s education work.
Week 4 of 6: The Japanese American Confinement Sites Consortium!
The Japanese American Confinement Sites Consortium (JACSC) is a national network of organizations working to preserve sites and artifacts related to the Japanese American incarceration experience during World War II and dedicated to interpreting this history for the benefit of public education. The Consortium began in 2015, thanks to funding from the Japanese American Confinement Sites Grant Program.
The JACL serves as one of the original founders of the Consortium and as a member of the Administrative Council alongside our partners at Friends of Minidoka, Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation, Japanese American National Museum, National Japanese American Historical Society, and the National Japanese American Memorial Foundation. Learn more about the consortium at: jacsc.org
Some Projects Funded by the JACS Grant Program
Congress established the Japanese American Confinement Sites (JACS) grant program (Public Law 109-441, 120 Stat. 3288) for the preservation and interpretation of U.S. confinement sites where Japanese Americans were detained during World War II. The law authorized up to $38 million for the entire life of the grant program to identify, research, evaluate, interpret, protect, restore, repair, and acquire historic confinement sites in order that present and future generations may learn and gain inspiration from these sites and that these sites will demonstrate the nation’s commitment to equal justice under the law.
Here is a small sample of some of the amazing programs sponsored through the JACS Grant:
Jerome-Rohwer Interpretive and Visitor Center
Heart Mountain Interpretive Learning Center
Vigilant Love Solidarity Arts Fellowship
The Stanley Hayami Diary: A Virtual Exploration of Camp Through the Eyes of a Teenaged Boy at JANM
Empty Chair Project and Memorial
Resistance at Tule Lake
And over 200 more!
2021 JACSC Education Conference
Founded on the idea that we are stronger together than on our own, JACSC aims to bring together practitioners in preservation, education, and advocacy related to the Japanese American experience. This free opportunity includes educational sessions and inspiring conversations with our national community of thought leaders and experts. Join us for one session, or all weekend!
This is the second virtual education conference and will be held October 29th-30th, 2021! Save the dates for a special event the evening of Friday, October 29th, and educational sessions throughout the day on Saturday, October 30th. Click below to register!