JACL Back to School Weekly Feature! Week 2!
For the next 6 weeks, on Thursday or Friday, we’ll send you a short email that highlights one part of our education program. The Weekly Feature runs in conjunction with our Centennial Education Fund campaign that celebrates 100 years of JACL’s education work.
Week 2 of 6: Education Resources from JACL
Our Education Resources are the backbone of our education programming. We've worked with educators and other organizations to create resources and curriculum that can be used in a wide variety of classrooms and lessons. Our resources have even been used by Members of Congress, the media, and top universities in using the correct language and terminology when discussing the history of the Japanese American incarceration experience.
JACL's Power of Words Handbook
The Power of Words is an educational campaign to understand language euphemisms used to describe the Japanese American World War II experience and the preferred terminology that more accurately describes the dire realities of the experience. Members of the Power of Words committee prepared a draft handbook for presentation to the National Council. On July 7, 2012, the National Council unanimously adopted the handbook as presented. The Power of words was most recently updated in August 2020!
The Japanese American Experience: A Lesson in American History
JACL’s acclaimed curriculum guide containing a summary of the history of Japanese Americans, a chronology of important dates, a resource listing of books, videos, and websites, learning activities for the classroom, and an appendix with photos and copies of primary documents from the incarceration era. We are currently working on a revised edition for 2021! Stay tuned for updates!