2025 JACL National Convention
Voices in Unity
Alburquerque, New Mexico
July 17-20th, 2025

The Nation’s Oldest and Largest Asian American/Pacific Islander Civil Rights Organization
Join our community in the movement for social justice!
The Japanese American Citizens League is a national organization whose mission is to secure and safeguard the civil and human rights of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans and all communities who are affected by injustice and bigotry. The leaders and members of the JACL also work to promote and preserve the heritage and legacy of the Japanese American Community.
2025 JACL National Scholarship Applications are Now Available!
Freshman Applications Due Monday, March 3, 2025!
General and Arts Applications Due Friday, April 4, 2025!

JACL Statements
Weekly Digest
JACL Blog!
From Social Media
Links to all JACL Social Media!

Youth in JACL!
The National Youth/Student Council (NY/SC) is a body of student and young professional leaders representing their peers on the district and national levels of the JACL. Together we develop young leaders that support one another, engage in advocacy on a national level, and are empowered to make the change they want to see in their schools, workplaces, and communities.
The YPC is an affinity group within the JACL for self-identifying young professionals and provides a space for sharing experiences, building and deepening relationships, and collective growth through monthly virtual community spaces, innovative inter-chapter programming, and open forums for uplifting advocacy, resources, and encouraging direct action and dialogue.
JACL Thanks Our Generous Sponsors!

Feel free to contact us with any questions using this form!
Email: policy@jacl.org
Washington, D.C. Office - (202) 223-1240
San Francisco Office - (415) 921-5225